Sunday, April 3, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis of Project 3

Author. Although I am a Neuroscience & Cognitive Science major, I plan to expand my horizons into other disciplines for this project. Given the full creative authority for Project 3 I plan to discuss the the enormity and plethora of controversies surrounding the 2020 FIFA World Cup in the nation of Qatar. I declare my passion in sports but not just the game but ethics, morale, finance, and other facets of the monumental industry of sports, more specifically the world's most popular sport of soccer in this rhetorical investigation. FIFA has been under fire for corruption for the past few years and the controversy has yet to halt as the suspected corruption and all the wrong of the scheduled 2020 World Cup in Qatar is still in the limelight of the media.

Audience. For the purposes of this public argument, I plan to enter the rhetoric unbiased and plan to present Project 3 in a similar fashion to the audience. I want this piece to be a composition that is something of interest of the most passionate sports fan to the average Joe reading his morning paper, or iOS notification, whatever people do these days. Since this is a matter that has been covered by networks from heavily sports-based TV station ESPN and news-oriented CNN, I will assume the audience have a preconceived notion regarding the controversy so I will keep the introductory debriefing limited. I believe an appeal to pathos and logos will resonate with the audience will and that is the tactic I will employ in my piece. A set of people, specifically, that I believe will be especially subject to this are the union workers involved in construction of stadiums in Qatar for the spectacle of a sporting event as well as regulation committees concerned with corruption and unfair labor.

Purpose/Message. What I want to accomplish with Project 3 is a thorough evaluation and perhaps enlightenment (enough information to take a valued stance) of the situation at hand for the audience as well as myself. I want the audience to consider the malevolent nature of corporations who are too big to fail, the corruption in today's society, and the taking-advantage of the working class, as well as other facets that light up in the audience's head. I want to create an encompassing argument so after my research and as I discuss, I am discovering holes and vital missing information that could make or break the argument. I believe a quality of a great argument is qualifying it so I may need to take into account more perspectives in the following weeks.

Context. I will be composing Project 3 in the Standard College Essay genre. The audience expectations are consistent with that of scholars, avid learners, classmates, professors, etc - generally anyone in the academic realm of learning as well as composing. My history of working in the genre is extensive in that throughout my entire life, from a 7th grade President's report to AP Language & Composition one-page-responses, I have been composing variations of the standard college essay. I am most comfortable with this genre as it is the most mundane, structured, and maybe a good or bad thing, just no real room to misinterpret or creatively alter the structure, form, and content of the argument. The two most effective conventions of the genre to me are the predetermined structure and bibliography/reference page - this allows for a well-formed, concrete argument as well as an all-encompassing composition in that the essay serves as a platform for the involved audience to gain a credible, ethical thorough stance. The likability of soccer around the globe and massive infrastructure of the entire industry may be intimidating in taking a negative stance in this argument so that may alter the perception of the audience.

This has been a well-discussed controversy as soccer is the world's most popular sport and consequentially, networks of every background have covered the story such as the Wall Street Journal, The Week, Fox Sports, and IB Times. The three counterarguments presented in the media that are justified in their own right are the potential successes of a Qatar-hosted World Cup (Doha News), the preemptive measures taken for the spectacle (Deadspin), and the passion and willing to pay expenses from the host nation (Indy Week).

1 comment:

  1. Hi I peer reviewed your rhetorical analysis, it was well thought out, I just had a few concerns about the topic itself.

