Sunday, April 10, 2016

Reflection on Another Attempt at Not Procrastinating

Getting closer to the end, here's my retrospective reflection on my Public Argument's procedural composition process.

1. The successes of this week can be best surmised in that everything is in at the deadline. I am beginning to appreciate the deadlines more in that I am not holistically procrastinating on the projects and am improving my composition process (don't get me wrong, still procrastinating as it is mid-day Sunday and I am here blogging).

2. The failure of the week is that after even making a production schedule, my busy week combined with my negligible work habits I procrastinated yet again. Albeit, I had an overwhelming amount of class work and may be submitting one blog post a few minutes late tonight, but I hope Sean values quality over speed of submission.

3. I will make a concerted effort to be much better about the post-production phase as I am going to Coachella Valley Music Festival and will not be available to complete things over the weekend so I am in sort of a hell week having to finish the process by Thursday.

4. I am feeling much better about this project than I have before about any other project as I feel more in my comfort zone. This is similar to what I did in years past of my academic career (get topic, research, assemble essay) so I am more in the gist of the entire composing process.

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