Sunday, April 3, 2016

Reflection on the Beginning To A Very Busy Few Weeks

1. The success of the week was developing a production schedule that coincides with my content outline in a way that I predict next week will be successful because of. The details sections of my production schedule is a compact version of each subsection of my outline and I believe this will bode for me when I sit down each day to complete the parts of my production phase that I plan to for each.

2. A thing that went wrong during the week yet again was my procrastination but because of my upcoming class schedule, I do not anticipate it getting any better. I do appreciate the busy work being gone but still I feel a bit behind all the time but I am hoping the quality of my work supersedes a numerical clock deadline.

3. As I briefly discussed in No. 2, because of my jam-packed schedule, and the following week's plans to attend Coachella, I believe next week to be even more challenging in terms of deadline. I hope to turn in everything in time but I will place the quality of my work over the speed of it.

4. I am feeling great about the project quality-wise but I am consistently struggling with the deadlines but that is a personal problem for me but I am still very content and actually ecstatic about the way I have composed this project thus far compared to ones of months past.

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