Thursday, April 14, 2016

Reflection on Production

Last production phase? Last reflection.

1. The major success of the week I thought was the inclusion of peer review and additional refinement even before publication of my rough cut which was unique to this process more than the others. For instance, the preliminary editorial report required a revision before even going out to my peers for revision.

2. The challenge of this week was the timing and assimilation of this course's workload with my other courses which are just as strenuous as the semester comes to an end and many professors are squeezing in every last nugget of work they can. My timeliness was in question but as always I am hoping Sean is valuing quality over a time stamp on a blog post.

3. I think next week will go much smoother based on my skimming evaluation of the process work required next week.

4. I am feeling the best about this project so far compared to the other three as I am writing in my comfort zone and genre as well as writing something I am knowledgable and passionate about.

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