Sunday, February 28, 2016

Report on My Interviewees

1. The most interesting genres I learned from my interviewees was the poster-presentation, powerpoint-lecture, and the research report; the latter two being more significant than the others and the former being the most interesting.

2. These genres differ from each other in their content length and verbosity and specifically incorporation of media .

3. The challenging aspects for each of the respective genres as explained by Dr. Nighorn and Dr. Oland are as follows:

  • Poster-presentation: Visual appeal combined with all necessary information
  • Power-point lecture: Including information but not boring audience, assuming what audience knows or does not know.
  • Research report: Creating the right flow to properly convey process, question, and analysis and creating a visually and textually appealing piece that will properly inform and encompass what was done 
4. The exciting/interesting parts for each of the respective genres as explained by both interviewees are as follows:

  • Poster-presentation: presenting complicated concepts through images and minimal words to all audiences
  • Power-point lecture: teaching all students in spite of what they do or don't have
  • Research report: developing never before-heard-of ideas
5. Poster-presentations must be found in the actual classroom and conference halls, and power-point lectures can be found on teacher websites, and research reports can be found on scientific sites such as Pub Med.

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