Friday, February 12, 2016

Peer Review 2

My assessment of David's video.

Things I Learned About My Own Project From Reviewing Different Genre
1. Importance of utilizing genre's conventions to best effectively deliver the message (purpose)
2. Vitality of introducing context to enhance purpose and audience's comprehension of the postmortem

Top 3 Problems:

1. Lack of visual components - assemble diagrams and message-sending diagrams
2. Extensive, verbose paragraphs - cut down, enhance flow of paragraphs
3. Not enough discussion of context (concurrent events) - discuss local, national, and global news stories and incorporate

Top 3 Strengths:

1. Flow of paragraphs - go through each paragraph and build upon transitions
2. Subheadings - perhaps incorporate more and using transitions introduce even more relevant information
3. Title - after viewing other titles, I recognize mine to achieve the desired effect as a hook and perhaps I will apply to my subheadings as well to keep the reader engaged

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