Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Variety

1. I pride myself in the variation of the structure, flow, and syntax of my piece. My sentences vary from compound complex to extremely simple. Any redundant sentence patterns I did on purpose as a part of the rhetorical strategy of anaphora in which I believe the flow of my introductory paragraphs is bettered.

2. Aside from my obvious elongated paragraph in the QRG, I believe the variance and structure (length) of my paragraphs comply with the conventions of a standard quick reference guide. I believe the subheadings specifically serve to provide much needed transition, and I will add to that as I draft.

3. I do believe there is the necessary variety and flavor in my vocabulary, but sometimes I overdo it and in that case 'more is less' and I take away from the piece by going over the top.

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