Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Setting

Williams, Robyn. "NYC November" 11/1/2014 via Robyn's Online World. Public Domain Dedication License.

The development and resolution of this controversy occurs in three various locations, but all bearing a similar setting in that there are correlating characteristics. The ignition that fueled the concussion fire began in the heart of dark, cold Pittsburgh at a pathology office, and the development was carried out nationwide but centrally at NFL headquarters amid the hustle and bustle and harsh nature characteristic to New York City, and the resolution occurred in conclusive, stone-cold United States 3rd Circuit Court of Pennsylvania. It’s awfully ironic the story begins and ends in a depressing room in downtown Pittsburgh where autopsies are conducted. After findings were found to hold merit, activists for the cause tried to inform and bring to light the revolutionary discovery; first with good intentions by bringing it to the NFL and its executives in a false hope that they would like to internally resolve this epidemic. After that effort fell through, the news started travelling nationwide on every social medium and NFL eventually had to give in to the predominant sentiment that the NFL’s ignorance and negligence was heinous and fallacious. Once taken seriously, the concussion crisis resulted in rightful settlement and promised health care for current and former players as it is estimated thousands of players will suffer from CTE following their careers in the NFL (dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc.)

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