Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Time Period

Global: James Holmes' Insanity Defense (Aurora, CO) & 2012 London Olympics
National: Obamacare Campaign 2012 & 2012 Economic Recovery
Local: Pop Warner Rule Changes Regarding Concussion & Practice & Highly-Rated FSU Recruit Gives Up High School Football Because of Concussions

Although a global controversy in its own right, the surrounding influences at a global, national, and local level all affected the course the NFL concussion crisis took. The following news stories are respective to the time period in which the crisis was at the pinnacle of controversy, when a ruling was to be made regarding the lawsuit filed against the NFL by the players which resulted in a myriad of health-care benefits (perhaps inspired by Obamacare) for players and a billion-dollar settlement paid to them. The economic recovery bolstered the NFL’s desire to return to normalcy and rid them of this monumental controversy as people had money in their pockets, which meant there was more money to be spent on the league. At a local level, even before the ruling, highly touted recruits and youth football were being drastically swayed away from the violence of football. The insanity controversy and rejection of football from the Olympics also cast the NFL’s previous negligence in a negative light and made the move to resolve the controversy more aggressive in nature. The accumulation of surrounding events and the influential environment played a role in the resolution to the concussion controversy.

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