Sunday, February 28, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis of Academic Journal

1. Dozens and dozens of authors are represented in  Nature Neuroscience (full-text, electronic version). After thoroughly skimming through the content, one can presume the authors, from top to bottom, are experts in the field of advancement of neural computation and theories. It would be a fruitless effort to describe each and every one of the authors but from postdoctoral fellows to medical evolutionists across the board, the commonality between all is their expertise in the mechanical and biophysical aspects of neuroscience.

2. The intended audience of the journal judging from the number of advanced technical terminology and professional manner is primarily fellow experts in the field, such as leading researchers at universities. Although not necessarily indicated, a secondary audience that is probably a substantial portion of the readership of the journal is aspiring disciples in the field.

3. The context surrounding the particular March 2016 issue concerns the recently discovered theoretical nature of the science as a whole. The discussion, reviews, and perspectives presented all are pertaining to the ever-changing environment of the neuroscience field in which the current thinking may become past-thinking at a moment's notice.

4. This issue's particular message regards the recent advances in neural circuiting, particularly the overall computation-oriented nature of neuroscience. Its message can be defined in its effort to turn behavior and cognition into numbers and explained sciences.

5. The purpose of Nature Neuroscience's March 2016 issue is of a informative nature. This issue highlights the theoretically-driven sciences of psychiatric illnesses and cognitive estimation.

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