Sunday, March 13, 2016

Reflection on Production of Project 2

Between the trials, tribulations, successes, and hoorah's, this has been a much-improved process for me ever since the revision of the course schedule and learning from Project 1.

1. Some of the successes of the long week included my discovery of the way I will compose my podcast segment. Instead of scripting the entire thing, which created a monotonous feel to the entire audial piece, I am now writing something similar to the content outline in which there will be vague talking points and I will elaborate on them with my own mind, recollection of interviews, and just truly discuss with the audience. This personalized approach I feel will not only the deliver information more effectively but create a more intriguing, gripping tone with the listeners. I believe I achieved this through my introduction (rough) which can be found in my production report in my previous piece.

2. The challenges of the week, which I discussed in my creative dilemmas also in the previous post, revolved around the technical facets of composing a podcast. I believe I have gathered my content, but am still working out the kinks of producing an 'A'-worthy and just overall refined, quality podcast as this is my first endeavor in creating a piece like this. This can be seen in my lack of transition sounds in my rough cut.

3. Based on my experiences this week, I believe next week will go even better (I consider this overall week a success as I mastered the content and am progressing in the delivery) as I educate myself on utilizing GarageBand or perhaps, a different production apparatus for the podcast.

4. Overall, I am feeling better about this project than I was about the previous one. I am anxiously awaiting the marks I scored on my QRG to see exactly what Sean is looking for and I hope that happens before Project 2 is required to be released so I can refine even more. Then, I will feel even better about this project.

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