Sunday, March 13, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

During the production phase, I learned a lot not only about the project and podcasts but about my composition style as a whole. Because of this, I have ascertained a good idea of what the post-production process will consist of.

I anticipate the post-production process to be more of the same in that I believe the production process was just the assimilation of all-too-crucial content outline, and I have reason to think the post-production will be just an enhancement of that same process. The content outline was a great addition to our process work and really created a great method to achieve the hardest part of every student's endeavor to create an "A"-worthy project: content (evidence and explanation). I am already aware of what I am lacking in my rough cut (transition sounds, quality of audio, interview excerpts, etc. - in other words, it is the nitty gritty of my commentary and content) and considering my peers will add on to the critique in respect to content, I anticipate the post-production process to be just an enhanced refinement. I believe my strength in the piece is my voice and style, but perhaps that is just something I think and I would appreciate if my peers would comment something constructive if there is something I can do better from a stylistic level.


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