Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production Report

This is the beginning of the turning ideas into motion. Welcome to my production process.

A. Outline Item: 

  • Opening
    • "From linguistics to arithmetic, the variance of types of datum scientists acquire and processes researchers conduct require specific styles to deliver knowledge to a specific field."
    • "In a world of scientific technicalities, logistics, and numerical as well as qualitative data, what possibly could a writer do to capture the attention of the everyday student?"

B. Outline Item:

  • Conclusion
    • Importance of conventions
    • Consideration of audience in scientific realm of composition
    • Utilizing correct genre in appropriate situation
    • Ways genres in this discipline vary from genres in another

Adaptation of Item:

1. Form was utilized in producing a production report for my introduction in that they are both vital, necessary components of a podcast segment and the tone, content, and clarity adds to their respective power. When I present the information, I believe that will be the easy part - assimilating interview segments, evidence, and commentary together as much of that is done in my content outline. However, grasping a viewer's interest and pulling it all together with the correct inflection of voice, transition, music, on-topic discussion, and resolution, are much more up in the air. I want to follow the form of presentation, explanation, and resolution within my podcast and I believe the former and latter are the most difficult (particularly with the required tone and personalized conventions of a podcast) so that is why I chose to include these two items in my production report.  

2. The technicalities of composing a podcast proved to be my biggest obstacle in this production process. I value the appearance and appeal of my blog posts and I could not properly embed my podcast the way I wanted to in the post, so that was a bother to me. Additionally, I am still mastering GarageBand and finding the transitory sounds, intro. music, and refinement tools necessary for an excelling final draft. Luckily, this is a rough cut so instead of wasting time on something I know would omit eventually, I did not include those things quite yet - just vague content that I will further elaborate on when I refine my project. 

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