Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report

a & b. I combined the two sections of the Editorial Report as I revised both my intro and following opening segment (which come in consecutive order) so I will answer the audience questions pertaining to both and elaborate on the similar revisions of conventions on both subsections of my in-the-works composition.

Rough Cut:

Content-wise, my piece did not change all too much but what I was more so struggling with was the form of it all. Specifically, following the transition and appealing conventions of a decent Podcast Segment was troublesome for me as I am still in the process of learning the in's and out's of GarageBand, the editing software I am utilizing for Project 2. For revision, I integrated what I have learned and added a catchy theme song and some transition sound effects to make the listening experience more enticing and overall better for the audience.

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