Sunday, January 31, 2016

Reddit and What I Found There

Neuroscience is one of the most unexplored, untapped fields of science as many of the modern discoveries were not verified until the early 1990s. The uncertainty in this discipline is what fascinates me, as there are so many varied takes and ideas regarding each discovery. Reddit allows a collaborative forum that I believe no other social media can truly offer, so viewing the hundreds of opinions and the structure of each thread intrigued to me a great extent because of my inquisitive nature.

1. I have never been a Reddit user, but when I logged onto the site I found a very unique and extensive medium to discuss, exchange, retort, discover, and more because of the structure of the site. The way the neuroscience sub-Reddit is organized is that each thread is an interesting question, from inquisitions regarding how to repair your brain after smoking marijuana every day for a 90-day period, how to manipulate certain hormones produced by glands in the brain, and what laboratory scholars in the field acknowledge as the best in the country, among other several questions I would have never though of on my own.

2. The two threads that intrigued me the most were the AMA with a certified neuroscientist and the thread debunking neuroscience myths. Having access to a professional in the field of your interest and having a readily available (casual I might add) medium of inquiring any question is an unbelievable opportunity that Reddit offers. Some users participated and engaged but others were screwed around in the thread but having essentially an interview that in years past may have been a process to even obtain is amazing to me. The other thread I really enjoyed was the educated scholars and neuroscientists debunking common myths Reddit users were proposing, such as that humans only use 10% of their brain, which is completely and utterly false as I learned. Realizing some of my predisposed notions and ideas regarding the field were actually false really fascinated me and it encouraged me really to begin discovering more and more regarding neuroscience.

3. The impression I got from the multiple threads I read through was the amount of discovery that is yet to be made regarding neuroscience because of the uncertainty and complexity of the brain and all concerned subjects. I am very intrigued and my passion has been heightened to develop my understanding of neuroscience. I was not expecting the amount of professionals on the threads and their will to share their knowledge with the average internet user.

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