Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre

1. For the Controversy Postmortem project, I plan to present my chosen controversy through The Video Essay. I believe The Video Essay is best adept to present the controversy surrounding concussions in the NFL in past years. I say this because the magnitude and power of the trauma that these players suffer cannot be described in just words, but rather it must be heard and must be seen to experience the true detriment of what the players go through. I also plan to present the neglect the NFL showed and their denial of the science behind the neurological deficit the players were suffering following their careers.

2. During the Production phase, I hope to assemble an efficient and powerful assimilation of visual, auditory, and textual evidence that I believe will best deliver the magnitude and controversy surrounding concussions in the NFL in recent years. I hope to reflect on documentaries and films made, such as Concussion starring Will Smith which released very recently, as well as the sound of the jarring hits when players collide, especially when helmets hit. Similarly, I will hopefully draw on the conventions of font, size, colors, narration, editing, among others when producing the Video Essay for my Controversy Postmortem.

3. I am not entirely sure how I feel about this project, to be completely honest. I am still contemplating various aspects of the assignment as I am figuring out how I will most effectively deliver the project and as well as staying on topic, and not drifting and straying away from the subject at hand. I anticipate some technological problems as I am not the most video-production-savvy individual and finding a way to stay within my discipline on neuroscience.

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