Sunday, January 24, 2016

Course Projects

If I investigate how my brain is investigated, aren't I just investigating how I'm investigating how I investigate? This class from an aspiring neurologist's eyes.

Dunn, Katie. "Can you solve these 7 brain teasers?" 10/07/2014 via DailyGenius. Public Domain Dedication License.

  1. Although the preceding question may have been confusing, there is nothing within the project assignment sheets that particularly baffle me. The one aspect of the four assignments that I am not entirely sure about would be the kind of text (informative, account, persuasive, argumentative, propaganda, etc.) we should be investigating rhetorically in our discipline. Aside from that, I am nervous regarding the influence and magnitude these projects have on our final grade in the course, but who wouldn't be? 
  2. In regard to the four major projects, the common theme that excites me like never before in any other course is the fact we get to (for the first time in college for me, at least) look into, research, evaluate in depth, and gather opinions on the fields we all desire to build a career in for the rest of our lives. Finally learning about something truly of my interest is unique to me. I am also interested to see how I can incorporate each genre advantageously with each topic and how my classmates utilize perhaps different methods and genres for each project. Witnessing the versatility and utility of the genres will be very interesting to see.
  3. The first concern for preparation that popped up in my head is what genre to cleverly use with each project assignment. Second, I understand the nature of the four projects truly put time management skills to a test and I hope to stay ahead of the game, so to speak, and comprehend that no project will be successfully completed last minute. This translates to scheduling interviews and preparing drafts advantageously ahead of time. This challenges my previously discussed classification as a Procrastinator and intention to overcome old habits.
  4. I attribute much of my preparation and qualities as a writer to my AP Language and Composition class during my junior year of high school. Quite possibly the hardest course I have taken in my academic career, the class challenged me with a rigorous workload and required a diligent work ethic and writing style. I believe the rhetorical devices, grammatical fluency, ability to work 'smart' not hard, and among other things I have acquired over the years will be largely beneficial to me throughout this semester.
  5. I do not have any inquiries or questions regarding the project assignments at this time but if I do, I am sure they will be addressed during classes as the semester progresses. I am truly excited to gain a vast knowledge of the field of work I desire to pursue a career in.
P.S. The answer to the riddle: The letter 'e' is not used in the paragraph at all despite it being the most commonly used letter in the English language.

Reflection: Sofia Haserot's and Chase Nicholson's blog posts have really opened my eyes to things I had not been considering before. To be completely honest, I had thought these peer reviews were somewhat busy work, but I am totally and utterly wrong in that assessment. Seeing the ideas and concerns other people have and share with me has opened a new perspective for me. Seeing that many are considering different genres for different projects as opposed to another classmate's preference is enlightening me regarding the versatility and true free will and self-discovery that this course aims for. Going forward following this week's posts and reflections, I aim to really prepare for all aspects of this course intrinsically as well as extrinsically concerning the writing process and the things I need to do for the upcoming project. Additionally, I plan to revamp the design of my blog sometime this week. 

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