Friday, May 6, 2016

Peer Review 15

At last, the final peer review, the final blog post.

a. I took a look concerning the form of Sofia Haserot's script from her Editorial Report for her podcast segment regarding the Course Final. The script of her podcast, from what I can tell, will use the proper personable tone and diction required for a podcast. Although no transition sounds or any sound effects or intro music are indicated, I presume Sofia will assimilate those components into her final composition. If not, I highly recommend an instrumental of some sort to complement her narration in the podcast. While working with the proper genre conventions, I like the creative way Sofia takes us through her year by telling us the trials and tribulations that came with each project in a chronological manner. Overall, it's looking good, good luck!

b. I suggested some things regarding content for Rigo Avila's Standard College Essay and Open Post to Peer Reviewers. I did appreciate the content throughout but the development of the piece I believe could be better organized. The ideas are there, but the fruition of them is what will elevate this paper to the next level. For this, I would suggest perhaps reading aloud your own paper and just as Rigo said in his last paragraph to be his own critic and take a critical look. The presence of citations and a sophisticated bibliography credits the entire paper which already has adequate conventions of a proper academic paper. I admire the variety of sources from blog posts to TV-show conversations and how they were properly cited. I believe you have the form down, but assorting the content in the form is what will propel this essay. I recommend taking a look at the organizational and developmental strategies discussed in the Student Guide. Nonetheless, great job.

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