Monday, May 2, 2016

Peer Review 14

a. I chose to review Nick Hernandez's content outline for Project 4 and make an outlining suggestion considering our positions in the process of composing. After reviewing his outline, I not only ascertained what mindset my peers had approaching this project but the variety of different sorts of reflections that can be made regarding the past few months. The development of the piece I believe is lacking because of the overall flow, or lack thereof, as it is hard to see the assimilation of the three talking points after a brief skim however the detail he delves into should be appreciated. It gave me insight to things I could talk about for my final project but the personal and informative tone Nick maintains throughout his piece is brilliant for a piece of this type. He addresses the audience in a very inviting tone and his presence as an author with a purpose is very clear. There is no concrete evidence, however, a reflection's overall nature does not mandate specific sources or evidence as it is all narrative.

b. Outside of my section, I reviewed Sarah Hansen's  production schedule for her Video Essay. Considering I am in a similar position with the same genre, I thought it would be useful to both her and I to conduct this peer review. Much of her timetable is left up in the air, as is mine, but in regards to the resources, I believe she has all what she needs. One thing I took notice to was her attention to detail such as a consistent outfit to construct fruition for her final project, this is something I will take from her project and assimilate in my own. I recommend iMovie for this project as a resource to edit and properly construct an effective Video Essay. Time-wise, I would suggest dedicating a full day to editing and a few for filming, just as we would for any normal essay. I believe we are utilizing a similar approach and per the Student Guide, it is vital to allow for a revision time period so that is my final recommendation.

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